Perawat Ke Luar Negeri (Kerja Sambil Study)

Seleksi User Dari Saudi Arabia Bulan Mei 2009 di Jakarta
Persyaratan :
- Berijazah D3 Keperawatan lulusan minimal tahun 2006 dengan pengalaman kerja 2 tahun
- Berijazah S1 dari Program A maupun Program B Jurusan Keperawatan lulusan minimal tahun 2008 dengan pengalaman kerja 1 tahun
- Mengikuti pelatihan prescreening sebelum ujian user langsung dari arab di LPPSDM Mitra Global Sarana
Keuntungan :
1. Gaji Minimal U$D 1,100/bulan
2. Cuti tahunan selama 45 hari dengan gaji dibayar penuh
3. Mendapat jaminan kesehatan dari Depkes Saudi Arabia
4. Mendapat kesempatan haji dan umroh
5. Selama pelatihan disediakan asrama dan konsumsi *
*sudah termasuk biaya pelatihan
Jadwal Pendaftarn :
Pendapftaran Pelatihan : 7 - 20 Mei 2009
Preexam training : 21 Mei - 2 Juni 2009
Tes User Langsung Arab saudi : Minggu ke 1 bulan Juni 2009
Keberangkatan : Agustus 2009
bagi yang berminat silahkan hubungi :
LPPSDM Mitra Global Sarana (
Jl. Lempongsari Raya RT 06 RW 26, Sleman, Jogjakarta
Telp (0274 - 889926) Fax (0274-889925) sms 0818642263
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1 komentar:
Lowongan Terbaru Perawat S1 untuk Kementerian Kesehatan (MOH) Kerajaan Arab Saudi.
Female Nurse for Ministry of Health Project (Saudi Arabia)
Ministry of Health of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia plans to recruit Indonesian female nurses for the employment in all over the country.
You should be:
1. Female, 22 – 39 years old
2. Bachelor in nursing. Diploma III is not accepted.*
3. Graduated in 2011 or in previous years.
4. Able to speak English
Salary offered is SAR 4500 – 7000. SAR 1 = IDR 3,000. The salary range depends on the experience & capability of the selected nurse.
If you’re interested, please submit your:
1. CV with mobile no and email. You can get the format of standard CV by clicking this sentences
2. Degree certificate.
3. Recent coloured photo, 4 x 6
The interview will be held in Jakarta between December 2013 or January 2014.
Further info please contact 021 8001987 or visit our office between 11.00 am to 17.00 pm, Monday – Friday.
The route to our office please click
*We only have vacancy in private clinic or hospital for the nurse with diploma certificate.
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